Electrical/Magnetic Sky Monitoring System

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 21 May 1998 15:19:07 -0500

Hi Folks!

The following was forwarded by Patrick Bailey and I thought it might be
interesting for the KeelyNet-L list readers...I found it intruiguing
because they are working on a ground based sky monitoring system which
uses signatures much like the "Hunt for Red October", though this is NOT
acoustic....the comments about their belief that UFOs rely on high
density amgnetic fields for lift and propulsion are also of interest and
tie in well with the Hamel/Searl claims as well as the pyromagnetic
ideas of James Bailey. (Type pyromagnetic in the search option of the
archives for some background on the effect, it is really a quite novel
and innovative approach to UFO propulsion..)...here is the message;
Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 14:08:45 +0000
From: [snip]
To: "Dr.Patrick Bailey" <pgb@padrak.com>
Subject: [Fwd: Delta-M: Recent developments around
the Mk4 head and signal analysis.]

Not sure if you would be interested in this.... but thought
you might be the only one to follow what is being said...:)

Delta-M wrote:

>***** Firstly I'd like to apologise if you got this
message more than once. Our mailserver crashed while
sending this message.... *****

Recent developments around the Mk4 head and signal
analysis. Up to and including May 1998.

The Mk4 head is the most functional model to date. We
started 2 years ago with a sandwich disc constructed by
sheathing an aluminium plate in hard plastic. The
original idea was sparked by previous experiments in
seismology where we had discovered a few things about
damping eddy currents. Principles from our sailing days,
where we grounded the rigging (usually stainless steel
or wire) by connecting chains and dumping them over
the side into salt to reduce the mast head to sea level
electrically, were injected into the thinking, and we
began to consider having some form of grounding element
to reduce the actual head to ground potential.

We experimented by both grounding and not grounding the
plate, and grounding the plate by driving a copper pipe
2 meters into ground seemed to provide the most exciting

Grounding the head does give raise to a few interesting
problems. No doubt there will always be some sort of
potential in the head, and the magnetically sensitive
element, even when constructed with aluminium alloy, may
be difficult to calibrate in an environment that is
changing ALL the time. In order to gain some insight into
these problems, in April this year we sunk a sensor 2
meters into the earth and began to log some data while
simultaneously logging sky fields. This is still going
on, and it seems that there is little similarity between
the two signals.

We observed that the sky sensor reacts strongly to sunset,
and background noise levels can change on the order of
KHz per hour. We considered a PLL system but have edged
more to microprocessor control, and this is what is
currently being worked on. A beta version of the PC
software should be available by late June. After
testing and evaluation, operational documentation will
be put together. We are also working on a stand alone
model using the same sensor head and its own display
requiring a 12V DC source. This is intended as a cheaper
model with relay possibilities for outside equipment,
lamps, cameras etc. We are very happy with the stand
alone model's design and construction. It is made with
simple parts, has strong housing, and is totally
waterproof. However, it will have less features than the
PC model.

The PC model will provide state of the art filtering,
analysis, and calibration control which brings us to
the matter that has held us up for so long: aircraft
type identification. This matter has given us not only
a dilemma, but it opens up some interesting areas. It
appears that as an aircraft passes through the 2 lobes
of the detection field, it creates a signature in the
magnetosphere for a short time. We are currently
studying the phenomenon intensely. Apparently, any
powered aircraft gives off a signature. Prop planes
deliver different data from jets, and I am almost certain
that all different types of aircraft will give off
different signatures; therefore, the general type of
aircraft should be identifiable, even if not seen
visually. Questions arise when there are several aircraft
in the air at the same time. Also in highly populated
areas, there will be strong noise levels from various
other sources. Adjusting to these noise levels is the
primary reason we have adopted a sensing element which
can be grounded or not. With a number of detectors
working in different areas, we will eventually find
out how it performs in all sorts of environments and
make adjustments accordingly. The aircraft type
analysis will take a while to evaluate. In the mean
time, we opted for the staggered alarm system based
on elimination with limited noise filtering control.

Finally, we are still as convinced as ever that UFOs
use magnetism, in whatever form or method, in large
quantities to achieve navigation, flight, or both
inside and outside our atmosphere. It seems that
from a simple idea some 25 years ago, today presents
`n' times the possibilities.


--                Jerry W. Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187