Re: Virtual Sandtable

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( )
Wed, 20 May 1998 14:23:48 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi all !

As I wrote on this list some time ago (see the Incredible Searching Engine
!), there's a guy in France, a mainstream acoustic researcher named Daniel
Arfib, who did a computer program for producing virtual Chladni plates.
Arfib sent me his article, and at the time I sent a copy, by snail mail, to
Chris of "CJT Enterprise" (who doesn't seem to be on this list anymore). The
paper is in French. I thought about writing a translation, but I'm stuck
with the mathematical characters, and how to spell them in ASCII. Anyway, if
anyone is interested, I can send other copies of the French paper (by snail
mail, as I don't have a scanner). Just mail me off-list.
Jean-Pierre Lentin