alternate energy

Cal Schindel ( )
Tue, 19 May 1998 12:27:04 -0600

Chris: I guess I am a bit surprised at your attitude. When the Wright
brothers built their plane, there were other efforts going on at the
same time. It was an idea whose time had arrived. Imagine this scene:
hospital-guy laying in bed all broke up and in casts. A vistor saying:
"I loaned you $200 (big money in 1902) to help you build your flying
machine. You promised you would make us both rich when it flew. Now look
at you. Boy, I was stupid when I believed you. I'll see you in court for
the money." Chris, I see a lot of things today that are much like this
scene. The Wrights didn't build a 747, and even after their crude plane
flew, there never was a Wright Bros aeroplane company, but I'll bet the
Wrights never felt bad about having actually been pioneers of flight.
I'm just a burned out carpenter who dabbles in electronics and looks at
the research. When I see someone try and fail, I say "GET UP-GET UP AND
TRY AGAIN!" Because of such efforts, progress happens. Stubborn goes a
long way. I built a Beck blood purifier and a "Mr Thumpy." Went thru
three generations, but when I got thru both worked. Didn't do much for
my knee and feet pain--not near as much good as quiting heavy
construction, but I'm not blaming Jerry Decker for posting the info. My
point is: don't blame anyone on the Keely net mail list for lack of
progress. Use the information available here to build something yourself
or get together with a friend and pool your abilities and money to build
something together. If it works, post a report. If it doesn't, (and I
guarantee-more frequently it won't) ask questions of the group. Good
Luck All, Cal at Missoula