Mon, 18 May 1998 15:09:30 -0500 (CDT)

On 05/18/98 13:20:40 you wrote:
>Well how much mass does this craft have and how efficient are the engines
>and what fuel do they use????

Thank you VERY MUCH for being willing to answer my question! Thanks a lot
and I really appreciate your kindness. Well, lets just say that this is an
ion drive craft.

>What is the thrust to mass ratio of the engines and this craft????

I am not sure... I am not very educated when it comes to these kinds of
things. Could you add in some appropriate values? Anything is ok...

>Are you limited by physical size or is size not a problem????

Well, I am not limited by physical size.... The craft can be as large as
needed to carry enough fuel. I am just interesting in figuring out if time
dilation, mass increase, and space warping does not occur could a craft
carry enough fuel to travel FTL or in this case 2 times the speed of light.

>Just a few base questions that are needed....

Basically, it does not matter what size the craft is, its mass, or what kind
of rocket drive it uses. I am just interested in figuring out how much fuel
it would take for a certain kind of craft to accelerate to 2 times the speed
of light to prove that if there is no mass increase, time dilation, and mass
warping that a craft COULD carry enough fuel to travel FTL.

Thank you VERY MUCH for answring my question. :-) Thanks again!

Best Regards,

>At 12:30 AM 5/18/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>I am going to ask my question again. If you would please answer it I would
>>greatly appreciate it. In this question lets simply assume that time
>>dilation, mass increase, and space warping does not occur when one
>>accelerates to and past the speed of light. Hey, you might think that I am
>>wrong and that time dilation, mass increase, and/or space warping does
>>when one accelerates to and/or beyond the speed of light. But for this
>>question please just THEORETICALLY assume that these SR and GR things do
>>So here is my question.
>>How much fuel would it take for a conventional space craft (rocket or ion)
>>to accelerate at a constant rate of speed to twice the speed of light? How
>>much fuel would it take? Would it be possible to build such a craft?
>>Please answer this question without discussing how it is impossible to
>>travel FTL conventionally.
>>Best Regards,
>Knowledge is the Perfection of FAITH....
>Come! walk the path and take upon yourself the Quest for True Knowledge..
>For Life is what happens when your planning other things....
>Come and visit.....
>Etherian Dream Weavers Place....
>Where the mind dares to wander and one's future is not written in stone..
>there once was a fellow named Bastian
>whose manner was at times exasperin'**
>when queried by friends "why?"
>he'd reply on the sly;
>"if I weren't, you'd need lots more aspirin"
>** as in exasperating
> -B.K.Downing'1997'-