Hexslinger ( )
Sun, 17 May 1998 20:43:08 -0700 (PDT)

On Sun, 17 May 1998, Gerald O'Docharty wrote:

> The speed of sound is not a universal constant. It varies with the
> density of the medium through which it propagates. Anyway I don't see
> how the analogy applies to the acceleration of a mass past light speed.
> How would sound be used to accelerate a mass and then what is the
> limiting mechanism of that acceleration? Have you heard of shear waves?
> This is where two or more wave fronts meet at an acute angle. The
> intersecting point is like the corner of a V. This point moves at a
> velocity greater than that of either wave front and varies with the
> angle of intersection.

I never *SAID* that sound was a universal constant. But ask yourself --
what CAUSES the variation of the density of the mass thru which sound
propagates? That was my whole point.

> The 'lower' affects the 'higher' because they are both of the same
> thing but of a different 'scale'. Aether is 'fractal' in nature. The
> objects that we perceive with our 'detectors' exist within a given 'band
> width' of aether dimensions relative to one another. Objects existing
> outside that bandwidth are undetectable. Something faster than the speed
> of light is undetectable within our range of existence. Thus lightspeed
> indicates the upper envelope of our detection range or 'event horizon'.

The speed of light is more likened to a 'sampling rate' --- ever try to
record something in which part of a waveform exceeds the sampling rate?
The result is that said waveform is reflected back down the spectrum,
phase inverted. The only way to record a waveform of a higher frequency,
is to alter the sampling rate --- likewise: to exceed the speed of light,
alter the density of the medium in which it travels (thusly, raising or
lowering the 'sampling' frequency). Hmm... that might not have been the
best analogy, but I think you got the idea, right?

> There are two ways to reduce the distance between points: shrink the
> space or enlarge the ruler. We could do either with the appropriate
> technique. The way to shrink the space requires a 'relatively' large
> mass. The shape of the distortion is related to the shape of the mass.

You're forgetting something here: if mass is composed of the aether, then
just how in the name of hell can one utilize mass to exceed the maximum
speed attributed to aether flow? THAT is the problem. That is what I take
issue with. The only way to allow the aether to flow faster is to discover
the medium which governs the aether - and alter it so as to allow the
aether to flow faster. Doing so would essentially constitute changing the
speed of light in a given frame relative to the outside frame, if I'm not
mistaken. That was what you were describing, no?