Hexslinger ( )
Sun, 17 May 1998 02:05:41 -0700 (PDT)

On Sun, 17 May 1998 wrote:

> Everyone,
> I need some information. I need to know how much fuel it would take for a
> craft, probe, or spaceship to accelerate past the speed of light. Now, I
> know what you all are going to say. That you cannot travel faster than light
> by conventional methods like rocketry. But I have been reading about a new
> theory called "autodynamics" which eliminates time dilation and mass
> increase while accelerating to and past the speed of light.
> So how much fuel would it take for a craft, probe, or spaceship to
> accelerate past the speed of light?

It's not possible. All mass is merely bubbles in the aether --
electromagnetic waves (if you can call them that) are but ripples in the
aether. You cannot exceed the speed of light unless you can find a way to
alter the density of the aether itself. To understand the absurdity of the
notion of using some 'killer rocket fuel' to blow past the speed of light
-- just imagine someone trying to exceed the speed of sound, using sound
itself. Cant do it. The only way to exceed the speed of SOUND is to
utilize a higher force that has a greater speed. Now think -- the speed of
light has to be there for a REASON. Consequently, that which we call the
'aether' (or 'virtual particle flux' or whatever the buzzword of the day
is), is not all there is to the universe. The propagation of waves thru
the aether is limited by a HIGHER force.

Thus: Your only solution is to discover the nature of this 'higher force'
and find a way to manipulate it. FYI: Not to get cliched, but: 'as above,
so below' (and, in this case: VICE VERSA). If one wishes to access this
'higher force' - one need only to postulate it's properties, and then,
utilize the forces underneath it to manipulate it. (Heated air from a hot
road causes light to bend, does it not? The lower affects the higher -
and vice versa.)

Oh - and lastly - the ultimate reason that mass cannot exceed the speed of
light is because light ('aetheric waves' if you will) form the core of
every particle of mass. Hence, mass cannot exceed the speed of light.

I know that wasn't what you were looking for - but I'm in a mood to
rant... it's funny that you brought it up when you did, since it was
something I was thinking about recently (due to some unrelated work).
A pleasant coincidence, I suppose. I firmly believe that there exists a
force beyond the aether. However, I refuse to discuss it's properties
until I can conduct experiments to prove it... although I've got some good
ideas as to what they might be.

[Oh: And while I'm ranting -- has anyone ever tried proving if a caduceus
coil isn't just an overblown 'laser light'? I've got good money that says
that the electric field and magnetic field are the same damn thing - and
that the magnetic field is really just charge that is being scattered
outward by mass. By collapsing that wave, you're just forcing charge to
travel along the path of the conductor... hence, creating a laser-like
source of 'EM' (if it can really be called that anymore).]

Damn, I think that's enough for now... I think I've opened up quite enough
cans of worms -- now somebody bite. =)