Truly Incredible Searching Engine !

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( )
Sat, 16 May 1998 18:46:11 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi all !

I tried the searchable archive. I put "Sternheimer" in, clicked on, and, lo
and behold ! 82 messages in 51 files ! Did we really write so many posts
about Sternheimer and his protein music ? Of course not. Problem is, at the
end of each archived post, there is a "next message by date", a "previous
message by date", a "next message by thread", a "previous message by
thread"... So each message is indexed repetitiously, a lot of times. And the
search gets really awkward. I have no solution to offer, but surely there
must be a way !

Jean-Pierre Lentin