Re: Capacitors again and Tesla.
Wed, 13 May 1998 23:22:06 -0500 (CDT)

> My reason for the capacitors is a circuit involving Tesla's radiant
>collector. ( although seeing these

Could you give us some more information about Tesla's radiant energy
collector? I remember reading somewhere about Tesla building a very small
box that was composed out of vacumm tubes, wires, and other stuff that
powered an electric vehicle. From what I heard he drove the vehicle, powered
only by this box, to 90 miles per hour. When asked about the power source he
said the power came from "the aethers all around us". The newspapers, from
what I read, then started writing about him being "satanic" and he destroied
the device.

Was this tesla's radiant energy collector? How exactly did tesla's radiant
energy collector gather energy? Does it get energy from the zero point
energy field? The aether?

>self charge is worth looking into also ) See radnrg.asc and radnrg.gif on


> I built a voltage doubler once, where I was able to charge a 450V cap
>a "D" cell using a vibrating relay
>contact and a couple of diodes. What I had in mind was something similar

Where did all of this extra voltage come from?

>except lower voltage caps, and
>replacing the battery with some type of collector. The Tesla collector is
>very simple, I was thinking of tin foil
>laminated to plywood and sprayed with clear Krylon. If there is enough
>voltage present to overcome the
>voltage drop in a diode fine, if not it looks like Tesla connected his
>collector directly to the capacitor. On the
>output side I was thinking of the capacitors as temporary storage feeding a
>voltage regulator, LM340T-___
>to charge a battery.

Where did this device get its power from? The Aether?

> Has anyone experimented with this Tesla circuit?
> Any thoughts?

I have not experimented with this circuit but I have an electronics book and
I am thinking about doing some simple experiments with capacitors and such.

Best Regards,

>Thanks again