Ed Kauffmann Re: Capicators self charging

MARC OLHOEFT ( seapower@alaska.net )
Wed, 13 May 1998 11:41:57 -0800

Regarding humidity and static buildup causing caps to self charge NO !
Townsend Brown years of testing clearly determined that these conditions
exist even in a temp constant ,humidity constant,farady
caged,underground, even gravity free(space) condition. WOW!
The long term cycles and spikes he ultimatly speculated were influnced
by inter planetary motion.The theorists who support the Big Bang theory
of planetary and time space existance have demonstrated through the
years that this all pervading energy was a direct result of the big bang
and has existed since.Large planetary masses have somehow affected the
distribution (flow?) through space and consequently fairly significant
fluctuations occur in this phenomonon. No Doubt that these planetary
motions are also a large factor in gravitional fluctuations and this is
the basis for T Browns Gravito Detectors,based on the naturally occuring
fluctuations in petrovoltic rocks(natural dielectrics).