Re: Hodowanec (was re: Capacitors self charging?)

Doug Renner ( )
Wed, 13 May 1998 07:11:26 -0500

Terry Bastian wrote:

> The below idea is the basis for the biefield brown effect in reverse and
> howendec detectors of gravity work
> gravity is affecting the dielectric and causing the caps to charge....

My intuitive understanding of the capacitor's function in the Hodowanec style
detector is that an external CURRENT passed through the dielectric will
fluctuate since the gravitational waves modulate the volume of space itself,
making the plates move closer together & farther apart.

(This is reflected in the configuration of the op-amps as "current to voltage"

The capactitor in a Hodowanec detector may be key because the pheonomenon is so
small that either a large plate size is required for a noticeable effect, and/or
perhaps the passage of electrons between the plates may be "relatively"
unaffected by any space distortion.

Doug Renner


A burleycue dancer, a pip
named Virginia could peel in a zip.
But she read Science Fiction
and died of constriction
attempting a Moebius strip.


> Terry B
> At 02:12 PM 5/12/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >Matthew Redmond wrote:
> >> This is something that happens to every stationary capacitor I have run
> >> across so far. People who work with really large caps (some Ham's) are
> >> usually told to strap them down when not in use because the voltages they
> >> produce can be rather bad.
> >
> >Has a rate of charge collection ever been established? Periodically this
> topic
> >resurfaces and gets bounced around, but I don't recall if anyone has ever
> >quantified the effect.
> >
> >No big deal, just curious...... 8^)
> >
> >
> >John E. Steck
> >------------------------------------o]{:
> >Rapid Tooling Applications
> >Motorola CSS, Libertyville
> >
> >
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> there once was a fellow named Bastian
> whose manner was at times exasperin'**
> when queried by friends "why?"
> he'd reply on the sly;
> "if I weren't, you'd need lots more aspirin"
> ** as in exasperating
> -B.K.Downing'1997'-