Re: F/E Update

Dr Jones ( )
Thu, 7 May 1998 16:33:00 +1200

At 13:31 6/05/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Folks!
>Well, I hear the conference in Phoenix by the ITS was a bust, with no
>working f/e machine. The best thing there was Paul Pantones GEET
>machine which burns all kinds of waste material and results in no
>pollution in the exhaust. An amazing machine with continuing reports
>that it's the real thing, even those who buy the smaller versions.
>Not a slam against ITS, they are doing good things by bringing people
>together, though a reality check is sorely in need when it comes to f/e
>claims, though JW calls it 'natural energy'..have to give him grief on
>that one.
>Now who was it owes me a case of beer for the claim that 'a certain
>person will demonstrate a working o/u device in April'...<g>...when hell
>freezes over, by the way, it's hot down here, the imps are even
>sweating, so I'll take Corona, Tecate or some Guinness, don't worry
>about packing in dry ice, I can cool it, just ship it and we'll all
>drink to you and free energy...thanks..

Actually, it was 2 years from the beginning of one month. Feb, I think.

Dr J
Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room
(the sunscreen song)