Re: from Russia

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 05 May 1998 17:59:49 -0500

Hi Michael!

I don't have any technical details on Meyers though his patent might
prove useful. Check out;

At the bottom of the page you will see several related patents which
should provide you with a lot more information.

The thing that disturbs me about Meyer (and many others in the public
eye who are making claims), after all that time, effort and investment
STILL there is nothing out that is based on it and is of practical use.

With Meyers' death a few weeks ago, I notice more emails than usual
asking about his work while some comment on the conspiracy claim that he
was poisoned while having dinner with his brother the night before.

When I spoke with him twice last year in Denver, he seemed in good
health and full of energy, so it is odd that mere food poisoning could
be terminal, but I have no details about it other than what has been
posted, most notably the confirmation by Gene Mallove that he called the
local funeral home who confirmed there would be services for Stanley

At that time, I asked about 'the car' (said to run on hydrogen) which he
said he didn't bring because of logistics, and about the water spark
plug being proclaimed 2 years earlier which was supposed to dissociate
the water first using Keely's 42.8 khz and then explode the gases

This spark plug idea was 'borrowed' without credit or compensation from
Keely researcher Dale Pond from a meeting in 1989 in Switzerland and
claimed by Meyer as his own, though no working device was ever
demonstrated to my knowledge. Looked more like a marketing ploy to pull
in other investors. I never knew of or met anyone who had gotten any
return on their investment with Meyer, same with Dennis Lee by the way.

Years before, I knew two fellows who went to see Meyer and he asked them
for $5,000.00 each for a 'distributorship' allowing them to sell his
products WHEN they would come to market. There was no fixed date given
or implied as to WHEN this would happen. These guys also said the
hydrogen car would only go about 16 miles before it would not run again.

As I recall it, they said the engine became coated with some kind of
byproduct that needed to be removed after it had run on hydrogen for a
short period. It is something like the sulphation that occurs in
batteries as they discharge and are recharged.

Eventually, there will be several reports in the alternative tech
magazines which will compile a history of the claims and end results.

I understand Stan Meyers' brother will carry on 'the work' in the
interests of the family. Good luck with your investigations!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187