Re: ORMUS (ORMES from seawater)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 28 Apr 1998 22:30:58 -0500

Hi Folks!

With regard to the Hudson claims where ingestion of monoatomic elements
would heal and enhance the body and its abilities, the initial release
of the full details on how to make the monoatomic versions of the
elements are posted at;

This has been posted, however, I received this as a private email and
was invited to share it with the group. The excerpted text follows;

You might wish to try the processes described in the ORMUS document.
They work pretty much as promised. The materials made using these
processes have produced amazing cures for a variety of ailments
including cancer, AIDS and diabetes. I have been taking them for over a
year and my flat feet have improved dramatically as a result.

I am also hearing the ringing sound which is supposed to accompany
kundalini awakening and am having chakra effects. I know many others
who are taking this material and they report effects which are this good
or better.

In all fairness, David Hudson has been working very hard to get his
plant on line. The ORMUS document was put out prior to Hudson's
material, not to upstage him, but rather to give him a bit of cover from
those who might wish to suppress his materials. It also just happened
to be ready at that time.
My response;
I will put up links to it....I really love this kind of approach...very
few people actually build anything, so the majority will want to just
buy it premade, and I'm hoping they will go to David as the source.

Flat feet too?? <g>...quite a you are experiencing the
ringing?? Do you also have any of the telepathy? Have you been having
any concurrent medical checks done, such as a monthly check of blood
pressure, heartrate, clotting factors, etc....that can be used to
document any physiological changes??

This is the kind of evidence, gathered from many people using a
standardized test, that will result in assimilation as fact. The
problem is each person responds differently to outside stimuli, whether
herbal, EM energy, drugs and such, so we need a general class of effects
which MOST people should experience as indicators of their progress or

I've heard the cancer and AIDS cure claims but never seen any
details...yet another excellent proof would be that the material was
given to patients with NO PRELOADING by telling them what it is or what
to expect....this would eliminate the psychological influences which are
so common in miracle or spontaneous healings.

Thanks for the information.
I recently heard that David Hudson will not be selling the monoatomic
gold powder as it was too expensive to produce and market. I might have
this wrong!!! It WOULD seem that platinum, rhodium and iridium would
sell for much higher prices than gold??? Perhaps someone can clarify
this from more accurate information sources.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187