Re: More Climatic Indicators

Hexslinger ( )
Mon, 27 Apr 1998 21:00:58 -0700 (PDT)

On Sat, 25 Apr 1998 wrote:

> So what difference does it make if it happens a few 100 years earlier or
> later the writing is on the wall - its been my experience that often people
> (particularly in the collective) don't change till its too late, or it they
> are lucky, they are forced to deal with an issue when it gets to close to
> heart. For example most people would never think of killing other people
> on their own but put them in an army and they won't even blink to kill!
> This heard instinct (weakness) is what, in my opinion, that the
> corporations and governments exploit so well. Another variable is the pole
> shift - this could upset the best laid plans of men and mice... The best
> scenario is to be prepared and self sufficient and think independently.

There's a good reason that many people won't believe the end is coming --
that would shatter their fragile reality... they thus employ crimestop.
If you're unfamiliar with the word, it was coined by George Orwell (the
pen name for Eric Blair) he wrote many political commentaries (1984,
Animal Farm, among others) -- crimestop is just another of the many
psychological gags our mind uses to protect it's fragile subjective
perception of 'reality'. An attack on the perception is perceived as an
attack upon the perceived (by assocation). I know that was rather
unrelated, but one should consider this when attempting to speak to anyone
of 'free energy'. Be careful of the words you use. In fact, when
discussing anyone of 'over unity' or 'free energy' devices - never EVER
use those exact words -- for if you do, you are ensnaring yourself.
Those words are loaded. Think about that. :)