Re: Oxygen, Pressure and Genius

Ray Tomes ( )
Mon, 27 Apr 1998 23:31:45 GMT

On Mon, 27 Apr 1998, "Jerry W. Decker" <> wrote:

>There was a book published then that told about experimenting in South
>Africa with putting the mid-sections of pregnant women in a hyperbaric
>chamber filled with high pressure oxygen something like a half-hour or
>hour per day.

>The idea was to increase the flow of oxygen to the fetus. So this was
>done with a number of women and then discontinued.

>Well, two to four years later, the women started telling crazy stories
>about these kids becoming geniuses. For example, some of the toddlers
>were making intelligent phone calls.

Jerry, I remember reading about this experiment in South Africa way back
(in the 1970s?) although I thought that the women were in an oxygen tent
so that they breathed the oxygen. Apparently the average IQ was
considerably increased but a large number of children were born blind
which is why the experiments were stopped.

The reason for the experiments was that someone had noticed that
premature children are on average more intelligent than full term ones
and the reason for this was traced to oxygen shortage in the last month
of pregnancy.

-- Ray Tomes -- --
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