Oxygen, Pressure and Genius

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 27 Apr 1998 00:59:17 -0500

Hi Folks!

Check out this amazing comment from a friend who read about Dr. Baugh's
experiment with the 35% oxygen enriched chamber where the copperhead
snakes were grown for 6 months to become docile and non-venomous;


The oxygen stuff about the copperhead snakes and the carbon monoxide
poisoning victim coming back to life reminded me of something that had
fascinated me during the early 1970's. I remember us talking about it
when I was working at Control Data.

There was a book published then that told about experimenting in South
Africa with putting the mid-sections of pregnant women in a hyperbaric
chamber filled with high pressure oxygen something like a half-hour or
hour per day.

The idea was to increase the flow of oxygen to the fetus. So this was
done with a number of women and then discontinued.

Well, two to four years later, the women started telling crazy stories
about these kids becoming geniuses. For example, some of the toddlers
were making intelligent phone calls.

I could have the books mixed up. The title that I remember was similar
to or the same as "Biological Time Bomb".

I have always wondered since why the procedure has not been widely
adopted. Also whatever happened to these super kids. Even if the
expenses of a pregnancy were to increase substantially, the payback
later on in reduced education costs and increased productivity should
more than compensate.
My response;
Thanks for that AMAZING STORY!!! I talked to a lady friend who
confirmed the story was in fact in 'Biological Time Bomb'...it is of
course long out of print, even at AMAZON.COM...

But I plan to hit our local half price bookstores to see if I can find a
copy, if I find TWO, I'll send you the other one....I'm fairly sure I've
seen the book but didn't read it..

Anyway, my lady friend read back the chapter you talked about....instead
of pumping in oxygen, air was sucked out to relieve pressure on the baby
and only during the last 10 days of the pregnancy.

The mothers reported the children were genuises and extremely robust and
healthy...one at 13 months had a vocabulary of 200 words and could
answer the phone intelligently, another at about 15 months, could speak
4 languages....she forgot to bring the book when we met Saturday but
I'll locate a copy as I am working on a proposal which this definitely
ties into...thanks again for sharing it...
I'll definitely write this up as a KeelyNet file, it surely deserves a
LOT of interest....in talking about it Saturday night, we all wonder
what became of these genius children???? So much that could be done
with this 'lost' technology.

Of course, the book says there were several critics of the experiment,
claiming because the mothers (in South Africa) were willing to allow
such an experiment, they were probably more intelligent anyway, so there
was an inherent genetic disposition to intelligence in the baby.

Yet another said the mothers might have favored the child with more
attention and learning expecting it to be 'special' because of the

All quite possible which makes this experiment SCREAM for replication
and intense followup!!!

We could not understand how pure or a rich oxygen environment could be
safe for any long time exposure as it can kill you. But the book
indicates it was negative pressure and NOT extra oxygen....will get all
the details and post on KeelyNet....perhaps when our group does a short
pilgrimage this summer to see Dr. Baugh, we can ask him his thoughts on

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187