Re: Interference patterns?

Ray Tomes ( )
Mon, 27 Apr 1998 04:48:29 GMT

On Sun, 26 Apr 1998 23:21:55 -0500, "Jerry W. Decker"
<> wrote:

>Yes, what you mention about recording stellar sound and playing it back
>into sand to produce an image of the nebula, was done by Dr. Peter Guy

Hey Jerry, I bought two cymatics tapes and Manners was on one but there
was no mention of this. Please tell me more. This is my absolute
favourite subject!!

>I know it blew me away when I heard it...took notes and need to get them
>all together...I've been trying to get a chance to work on a cymatics
>section of KeelyNet that will include most of this material. In my
>opinion, it is a key to how the universe is formed, sustained and
>changes, all via phase conjugation using constructive and destructive

Yes, yes yes!

On Mon, 27 Apr 1998 00:34:46 -0400, "Gerald O'Docharty"
<> wrote:

>Matthew Redmond wrote:
>> If this is the case, then could it be if sound has something to play in
>> matter, energy etc, that objects are nothing but interference patterns of
>> aether?

>> Don't ask for specifics the idea only hit me today. If someone else has
>> any thoughts on this can they give more info?

>BINGO! Matthew, you are on the right track. If you want me to say more
>on this write me private e-mail, but keep thinking along those lines and
>you won't be dissapointed.

Absolutely! If you want to know more about how the whole pattern of
frequencies forms that make all the structures in the universe then read
my web pages, especially the Harmonics theory. There is also a little
bit of my own experiments there concerning sound waves in water showing
the way that particle like structures form and move.

-- Ray Tomes -- --
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