Re: Metglass

Norman Wootan ( )
Wed, 22 Apr 1998 22:02:52 -0500

John: If you will go back and do a search on the Meuller Motor you will find
reference to the use of Metglas due to it's low losses as a transformer core
material. Bob Paddock provided a source for it while we were discussing it's
properties and possible use in the Adams Magnetic Repulsion Motor. It is
manufactured by Allied Signal Corp. in New Jersey as best as I can remember.
I'm sure Bob will jump in and give you the details on current sources for he has
an excellent source library. I guess you know that it is made by spraying molten
metal onto a fast moving ceramic that is cryogenic cooled. The iron solidifies
so fast that it retains a lot of pre-phase change characteristics. Best I
recall is a cooling rate of 1,000,000 degrees/second. At any rate you will get
all this good info when you contact Allied. Oh! by the way it is very expensive
so save you coins. Norm

John Steck wrote:

> Mathias wrote:
> > Has anyone experimented with with metglass?
> Do you have any additional information on this material? A supplier? A
> webpage of a manufacturer? A patent reference?
> I did a quick search and I did not get many hits on 'metglass'. I will keep
> looking.
> --
> John E. Steck
> Rapid Tooling Applications
> Motorola CSS, Libertyville