environment vs economics

Cal Schindel ( cal@spinweb.com )
Wed, 22 Apr 1998 20:45:51 -0600

Certainly, if anyone ever cracks the OU. problem and gets something on
the market, it will have an immense effect on the economy. That much is
obvious. However, some of the enviromental rhetoric is politically
driven by people who simply want power and control over everything. Some
simple questions will reveil the bullshit science being used. (1) How do
you manfacture ozone? Answer- two common methods one with high voltage,
the other uses medically pure oxygen and ultraviolet. So O2 absorbs the
uv when it uses the energy to become O3. The O3 then most probably goes
on to oxyidize unburned hydrocarbons that are at this point in time
about everywhere. (2) There were forests of very large trees in areas in
areas of the southwest that are now desert. They are now rock stumps.
Probably had monsoon rains every winter for centurys.(before my time)
(3) Known fact that the earth's core is a slow nuclear reactor giving
off heat. Does this heat effect the ocean temperature? Does the heat
periodically get high enough that volcano's are necessary to vent? (4)
Where's the biggest synthetic gasolene plant in the world and what's the
feedstock? Answer-South Africa built by Bechtel and using coal. A lot
can be done to clean up the enviroment just by looking at what kind of
long chain hydrocarbons you choose to burn. The biggest coal reserves in
the world are right here. I'm not going to waste any more of your time
on this topic; besides, I've got some lint to pick out of my
bellybutton. Cal, Missoula