Re: More Climatic Indicators

Hexslinger ( )
Tue, 21 Apr 1998 22:19:49 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> A report of interest about the recent Larsen Ice Shelf breakup (25 miles
> long) brings that much more to bear on WHY we have to get off our butts
> and get something together that will reduce global pollution and
> heating, in the form of LOCAL free energy devices. Check out;

I feel it necessary to comment on this... I find the whole idea of
'pollution' being the sole cause of global warming to be a gross
misunderstanding of the way this world works. We are long overdue for a
new ice age - our topsoil is nearing depletion in many areas (the purpose
of ice ages is to crush rocks underneath the topsoil to create a NEW
LAYER, where the old layer washes away when the ice melts). All ice ages
begin with a steady warming trend, which manifests itself in our ocean
currents and in the atmosphere (as evidenced by the bizarre weather
lately)... did you know funnel clouds formed over California during that
last volly of thunderstorms that hit the west coast a few months back?
Yeah, I should know - I live there. Funnel clouds and tornadoes are *NOT*
normal in california -- we're earthquake country, not vortex country.
Getting back to my point... this warming trend will continue until it
causes an overload of the ocean and wind currents, causing the planetary
heat-distribution system to break down. Poles get colder, equator gets
hotter. Instant ice age. Man *HAS* had an impact on this process --
but I feel man's role in this natural process has been grossly overstated.

Sorry, just had to vent. :)