Re: Wiseman's BG bas generator

Mathias ( )
Tue, 21 Apr 1998 20:14:49 -0700

Hi Folks;
Was away for a time and... what a fertile ground the list is!! D'like to
thank everyone for their contribution to the list therefore to my better
undertanding of some aspects of the world. Anyways,

In my mail box was G. Wiseman book 1 and 2 on Brown's Gas; has anyone
built one of these?

Also a lot of recent emails were about magnetism. Has anyone
experimented with with metglasses? (metglass is a so highly structure
steal that there are hardly any free electron within, which would reduce
histeresis losses to nothing; aslo while you pass a good current through
metglass you will feel burning heat in the vicinity of the metal, yet if
you touch the metal it will be much cooler to touch)
