Norman Wootan ( )
Mon, 20 Apr 1998 20:15:49 -0500

Hi! Bill: I had one of Gregg's detectors and Rustrak recorders set up for
about 3 months studying the effects of celestial bodies as they move over
the earth. I also met Alistiar from Hawaii at one of the conferences and
discussed their monitoring techniques. In my opinion this device is not
suited to detect asteroids for they are too small to provide the necessary
gravitational signatures needed to detect them. Maybe Bill Ramsey or
Alistair can answer this.. Norm

Bill Perry wrote:

> Was just reading in "Astronomy" magazine I picked up at the newsstand.
> It was talking about collision threats, (i.e. Comets, Meteors,
> Asteroids). As was thinking. If we strategically positioned Hodawanec's
> "Gravity" sensors around the globe, wouldn't we actually have earlier
> warning about this impending doom based on the increased gravitational
> signature (due to the sensitivity of these detectors) coming from any
> certain direction? All these sensors could feed their signals to some
> master computer which would be able to provide the direction and
> velocity (which if I am not mistaken could be found indirectly by the
> strength of the gravitational flux). Earlier detection, more time to do
> something about it.
> BillP