Re: electrostatic motor

Norman Wootan ( )
Sun, 19 Apr 1998 10:13:43 -0500

Hi! Gerald: I got my book, it is great. They sent a catalog for other
electrostatic books from which I will order. The book I am looking at cost $193
but seems to be the "bible" of electrostatics. I think it will be worth it for
there is so much to be learned in this area. How much electrostatics are covered
in the current college cources?? Is this a forgotten area of electricity? In
the present semiconductor environment electrostatics is a nussiance that is to be
avoided and eleminated. Funny to go back and look at the old Vandergraff machines
that lead to the first atom splitting and the Cyclotron. Norm

Gerald O'Docharty wrote:

> Norm, yes thats the book I mentioned in that message but now apparently
> there is a new edition available. I posted this in my last message but I
> guess you missed the link. Here it is again (thanks Bill Beaty).
> Electrostatics: Exploring, Controlling, and Using Static
> Electricity, 2nd ed. including the Dirod Manual
> by A. D. Moore
> The first edition of this book was fantastic. I used it while in college
> and it really acted as a catalyst to shape my deeper understanding
> later. The second edition is even better. lots of easy to do experiments
> and full section on di-rods. click on the link to go straight to the web
> page telling about it. I'm going to buy it. I think its the best
> all-around book ever on electrostatics.
> -Gerald
> Norman Wootan wrote:
> >
> > Hi! Gerald: I have been printing out the old BBS message base and found my
> > #3085 which answers your question regards an electrostatic generator acting
> > as a motor. You then posted #3095 and showed a source book. Is this the
> > book about the di-rod generator? Look on Jerry's WEB site under (new) and
> > go to the message base #'s1-6000.