Re: Aether Precipitation

Hexslinger ( )
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 22:00:42 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 17 Apr 1998, Gerald O'Docharty wrote:

> If the ether can be rarefied or densified then there is another order of
> ether beyond that able to sustain such action.

Thanks for telling us something we don't already know. But then, where
does it end? Hmm? By that line of thinking - the medium you hypothesize
which sustains the aether must itself have such a supporting medium, and
so on into infinity. Welcome to the paradox that is our universe.

> I agree to an extent, but waves of what? Then what is ether made from?

If we really knew that, would we be having this discussion? NO. But if it
makes any difference, think of the aether as a sea of pure electric
charge. It is that which drives our electronic circuitry (remember:
electronic circuits dont make energy, they pump it).