Re: Magnetocaloric & Pyromagnetic Effects

Norman Wootan ( )
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 11:32:18 -0500

Gerald: Right on the money with your analysis of phase change materials.
Jerry and I went to a Conference down in Austin hosted by Hal Puthof where we
heard a physists from Austria explain the phenomenon of phase change of
water. He stated that there is an un-explained differential of energies
across the phase change barrier. That got me to thinking of a phase change
generator based on phase change of water. Remember we discussed this back in
93 on the BBS. The electrostatic steam generator shown in R.A. Fords book
works on this principle. Wet steam jetted out through an insulated nozzle
with electrodes to gather the charge or electrons donated by the phase change
from gas to liquid phase create tremendous charge potentials. Yhere is a lot
to be explored here. Thanks for the input. Norm

Gerald O'Docharty wrote:

> > Remember that "Tesla" said that iron was an interesting element for
> > it is unique in the fact that it changes crystalline structure as it is
> > heated and cooled. He also said that the "M" shell electrons could be
> > bounced out to be used for power only to be replinished by the aether.
> > Mnnnnn! Norm
> >
> Here's what you need to do:
> Heat the iron just to its curie point. Cause the iron to oscillate such
> that its crystal structure alternates between the two modes by
> alternating just above and below the curie point. This might be
> accomplished by mechanical oscillation. Alternation between pressure and
> tension resulting in temperature oscillation. An ambient magnetic field
> is applied to assist with the crystalization phase change. Similar to
> the energy moved during phase change of liquid to gas or liquid to
> freezing, there may be an energy release during phase change of the iron
> from one crystal mode to the other. If the accoustical wave in the iron
> mass be a standing wave, one might expect to pick up the alternating
> electrical energy pumped by the phase state changes where the peaks of
> the waves occur in the mass.
> Of course the oscillation frequency should be at the resonant frequency
> of the mass and that of iron for best efficiency. This means that the
> iron mass should be dimensioned such that its accoustical resonant
> frequency is harmonic with the iron resonance. Furthermore, several
> elements may be combined. For example the ambient magnetic fields could
> be oscillated such the the necessary pre-heating is accomplished by eddy
> currents induced in the iron. The whole thing might be timed such that
> the eddy currents are further pumped by the phase state change and this
> is what can be tapped off as 'excess'.
> Eh?
> -Gerald O'