Re: Standind wave in a magnet

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 19:45:04 -0500

Hi Norm!

You wrote;
> Both being present? What about electrostatics? No magnetic
> component. Why? It is as stated. Static. If you charge a cap
> and discharge it then you have a current and the attendant
> magnetic flux component that accompanies the "E" field component.
> Dynamics or movement create the "effects" called "E"field and
> "B"magnetic. Norm

Isn't it also interesting that an electron CONVERTS to a photon and a
photon CONVERTS to an electron, based on energy level or is it really

Light is produced from the release of photons from the stimulated
electron shells of tungsten or other elements collapsing to a lower
state, so it has to throw off the extra energy in the form of the

So, the field in a magnet appears to be static. Move the field or the
magnet carrying the field and as it passes through a wire, it induces

Wonder how much energy could be produced by vibrating a magnet using one
of those fish tank air vibrators with magnets attached to it and coils
proximal to it.

The pyromagnetic guys idea of using a venturi to vibrate a membrane
would be another way to do this....hmmm, the membrane has to move as
freely as possible, so to load it with either a magnet or a coil
wouldn't work too well.

I guess the question arises; a keeper is placed on a horseshoe magnet
to keep the field from weakening.

That indicates the presence of a metal plate near a magnet pole will
'drain' the energy around the pole to some extent. So, by using a metal
plate in the form of a vibrating membrane, near the pole of a magnet
would cause the magnetic pole field density to increase or diminish as
the metal membrane moves in and out of the field.

Personally, I still like the idea of tuning forks with magnets attached
to the tines....and coils of wire in proximity, but not touching the
magnets. Vibrate the tuning fork, the magnetic fields move and current
is induced in the coil.

At the Roundtable, that article from the Globe about the car that is
claimed to be uses TWO battery runs the
car while the other is being charged by a wind turbine on the roof. The
faster the car moves, the more air passes through the turbine and
charges the UNLOADED battery system which is depleted.

When the battery system IN USE reaches a certain level of depletion, the
charged system is switched in and the depleted batteries are setup for

The point of course being, when producing current, it should be fed into
a storage system that is not EXTRACTING anything so there is the largest
possible negative well to be filled up.

Geez, we are dancing all around these things and I know we are
close...experiments are necessary...I have some tuning forks but all
different...have to go to the piano store and get some that are all the
same frequency...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187