Dave ( )
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 00:26:05 +0600

Hmmm, we keep banging our heads for FE ...
Let's go back to good old magnets and coils of copper wire and
metal cores! IT WORKS WELL!
What is Magnetism?

Many visionaries from the past have chosen the WORD "Magnetism", to
explain the many different workings of the Universe. Even so, we
should note that magnetism is a very limited word, because the word
needed, should be descriptive of a total variety of like and compatible
energies not heretofore identified. But because this descriptive word
can expand into many forms, we might say using the word "magnetism" is
our best choice.

This very word denotes an attraction between varying energies, thus it
best describes the basic force of nature which is attract-attract.
The energy of the Universe is a constant, and it is correct to state
that magnetism is a constant. When we focus on just HOW magnetism is
a constant, it is best to know that EVERYTHING is made of magnetic
molecular structures. The total Universe IS magnetism. It never
needs to travel to or from somewhere. All light in the Universe is a
form of transmuted magnetic energy. If we identify a particular
location where the point of transference starts (for example, a
particular star) this light energy is magnetically CONVEYED at a
velocity that cannot be described within our present framework which
locks in time and space. Thus, magnetism does not NEED or HAVE a
point of no return. this ENERGY is the Universe which is always
transmuting with 100 percent efficiency.

Another good feature of magnetism is that it can expand to the use of
the word, MAGNETIC CURRENT. To explain, fifty years ago, Dr.
Ehrenhaft stated, "It is purely magnetic force which permeates
throughout the known Universe." Did Dr. Ehrenhaft conduct any tests
to prove his statement? Printed in Nature, January 4, 1941, Dr.
Ehrenhaft stated, "There must also be a STATIONARY MAGNETIC FIELD in
the beam of LIGHT with potential differences since SUPERPOSED MAGNETIC
FIELDS accelerate or retard the MAGNETO-PHOTOPHORESIS. It can observed
that some particles stay at rest and that their motion commences
suddenly, or that moving particles appear to change their velocity and
even reverse it. This is due to changes of CHARGE. The movement of
magnetic ions in a homogeneous magnetic field is a MAGNETIC CURRENT."

When Ehrenhaft made the statement, "...purely magnetic force..." he
did not want this statement to be expanded to words such as gravity or
fundamental forces. He meant it to be taken as stated, PURELY A
MAGNETIC FORCE. Scientists could not reconcile themselves to the fact
that he was destroying numerous teachings and consequently has work to
mass produce magnetic current was denied funding.

When Faraday had become world famous for his invention of the dynamo
(about 1850) he was not satisfied with his limited success. Faraday
wrote the following after testing the first magnet power generator.
"There is a wheel in the physical mechanism of the action that is
missing, whereby electricity (energy) should be derived from MAGNETISM
without the expenditure of mechanical energy." This statement by
Faraday was never put in any science books because the "powers to be"
said he was getting senile in his old age. The truth is that coal was
already being shipped worldwide and his work was a detriment to the
generating process in motion.

Additional comments about magnetism are:

1) Magnetism is the property that unlocks the molecular lock.
2) Magnetism is the glue holding the Universe together.
3) Magnetism is a constant.
4) The force we call gravity is actually COMPRESSED MAGNETISM.

Magnetism can expand to the word NEUTRAL. In the year 1885, a
physicist named C.A. Bjerkness, had the idea that energy could be
explained as small spheres that pulsate at some unknown universal
frequency. The positive result of his theory is that if the pulsations
are in phase, the particles attract according to the inverse square law.

If they are out of phase completely, they repel according to this same
law. The same pertains if they are halfway between being completely in
or out of phase, they are then neutral.

Bjerkness was talking about the neutral magnetism of space. His great
work was rejected because of the speed of light theory that has now
become priori true, when in fact the very word, theory, suggests
possible change. The scientific community stated that for Bjerkness'
system to function properly the action would need to happen at an
infinite velocity. They only needed to know that magnetism DOES operate
at an infinite velocity. His work should never have been rejected. This
magnetic appraisal shows there is no need to search for some UNIFIED
FIELD THEORY. There are magnetism's in the Universe that have only been
minutely touched.

As you can see, asking the question, "What is magnetism?" is a subject
that requires much more study.
(by J.O.)

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