Re: Standind wave in a magnet

Norman Wootan ( )
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 11:59:50 -0500

Jerry: I plumb forgot about Harold Aspend's Electromagnetic Cooloing
Effect. Remember from the INS Conference Lecture, he is rewally into this
phenomenon. Norm

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Norm!
> I have to agree with you about heat being a purely electromagnetic
> phenomen with a band of frequencies that produce various levels and
> types of heat.
> It has always interested me that Ultraviolet light will burn but it is a
> 'cold' burn, i.e. you don't feel any pain or heat until the damage is
> done. As opposed to Infrared heat which is plainly felt as a 'hot'
> heat. Dinshah brought this out in many of his Chromatherapy books.
> As to the Peltiers, I still have the big one you gave me and a couple of
> the smaller sure is an easy enough experiment to carry out
> and it is a mystery to me also as to how they work..I remember reading
> something about electron donors being involved....
> You know, since most things are crystalline in nature, particularly
> metals, perhaps this swept magnetic field effect of magnetocaloric
> cooling is the key....on an elemental scale where those metal crystals
> are made to function like a solid state heat pump....<g>...
> So, thanks for the offer of the care package, but I still have the
> others to play with....something odd here, lets see who all responds
> with different ideas...would be interesting to see what everyone else
> thinks about the Peltier junction cooling phenomenon.
> --
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187