Re: Aether Precipitation

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 05:58:05 -0500

Hi Ray et al!

You wrote;
> I think that matter is rarefied aether due to rotation forces
> (as in a vortex or similar structure). I don't think that the
> aether goes anywhere substantial; rather it oscillates in place.
> I do think that energy goes somewhere due to the oscillations
> moving. I think that what some people call aether is what I
> call energy or some other structure in the aether.

Matter is rarified aether?? So where does 'matter' come from in this
rarified space? What is matter basically composed of?? Would this
mysterious proto-matter be somehow related to dark matter? How does
aether then relate to mass?

I do agreew that matter exists as standing waves (wanted to say
self-sustaining) but I think that matter is SUPPORTED and fed by the
continual influx of aether into it.

I also think there is a bi-directional flow of aether, that which is
aggregating by an implosive, magnetic force and that which is decaying
via an explosive, electrical force.

Keely indicates this push, pull and balance condition exists in all
manifestations of force and energy. That new matter is pulling or
providing a well that sucks in aether to grow, imploding onto a fixed
point (his neutral center or combinations of them for aggregates) to
create the new matter. When matter reaches 'maturity' the inward flows
are reduced to a point, analogous to the Bloch Wall, where mass is
'balanced', once this Bloch Wall type point is passed, aether flows
outward and the mass begins to disintegrate as it shrinks and dies.

The energy forms of electricity, magnetism, gravity and other energies
are I think composed of frequencies beyond what our instruments can
measure and these are children, lower frequencies of the parent base
aether that creates and sustains the universe.

The precipitation of the aether through a spectrum into the crystallized
rigidity of matter is the result of the all-pervading aether pressure
flowing into the very rarified areas you speak of.

BECAUSE the aether flow into such a rarified area is so rapid and DENSE,
it collides with itself to produce the multiplicity of standing waves in
an aggregate we refer to as mass.

Interesting that Keely recognized these bi-directional and dual aether
flows, calling the imploding force terrestrial and the exploding force

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187