Faster than the speed of light??

Tim v.d.Hoff ( (no email) )
Wed, 15 Apr 1998 15:40:31 +0200

Hi Guyz!

The other day I was watching 'Ultra Science' on Discosvery
and they talked about a scientist named Nimtz who has succeeded
in braking the light barrier.

He used a quantum-tunnel and put an audio signal through it.
He projected the signal on the other end of the room and he
was actually able to play the transmited sound.

Weird thing was that he transmitted the signal at 4 times
the light speed !!

Weird thing huh??

Does anyone know anything more about this, since it may help us
in time-travel experiments..


* Isn't there something in living
dangerously? *
* - John
Savage *