Re: Battery Rejuve???

Doug Renner ( )
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 17:44:17 -0500

Ian Webb wrote:

> don't know the specifics of this product, but car batteries discharge by
> forming PbSO4, which is what i *assume* is meant by 'sulfation.' If
> you inhibit sulfation, the battery won't work! Recharging a lead-acid battery
> removes the 'sulfation.' Sounds to me like it's probably a scam.. oh well.

"Sulfation" in this context refers to an undesirable buildup of PbSO4 which is
difficult to completely get rid of with normal charging. Of course the lead
sulfate will still be generated during discharge cycles, but a PWM charger does a
much better job of keeping the plates clean when charged. If you examine a
lead-acid battery that has lost much of its capacity, you will probably find
large buildups of the stuff.

This technology is proven and widely deployed.
