Re: New Title

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 02:51:20 -0500

Hi Richard et al!

The Soul-ution, eh??....hmm...mebbe SOLution for Energy Resources..<g>..

It's kind of a Microsoft like 'buggy' term (solution), indicating a
single solution where renewable energy will be from MANY sources.

As much as 'Solutions for Energy Resources' is intriquing, it sounds
more like a book or gameplan that is alreadly laid out with specific
WAYS to do renewable energy.

Yes, those WAYS are manifold, however, the purpose as I understand it,
is to get a focus on Renewable Energy in its entirety, not as any single

I saw an interesting post from a 10 year old kid on another site at (something like free energy messages or
discussion). I don't remember the specific page on this URL, but the
kid said something like

'why not give people a major taxbreak tied in to how
much they invested in RENEWABLE energy for their
OWN NEEDS....that is monitor total power usage for
their OWN home, business, etc. and the amount that
is supplied purely by renewable sources would be
worth a proportional tax break'....

I thought it was a GREAT IDEA and incentive.

Again, how deep does this thing go??? The speaker should ideally focus
on CURRENT and recent energy or energy/pollution ecological horror
stories...<g>...and projections based on current usage and future

Whatever will shake the tree and sensationalize it (using facts and
statistically derived projections) to draw attention and concern, with
the idea of getting people so inspired they want to make a statement as
well as get involved on a personal basis.

The politically correct attitude is 'green' but I still think a lot of
people don't participate or have an idea of just how serious it is and

If the results of just one persons 'green' actions can be shown, it
might make a greater impact.

I still like the 10 year old kids idea...heck, I'll locate his name and
ask him to join the list...<g>...if people saw TANGIBLE KICKBACKS for
their actions, they would be eager to participate. Nothing like 'green'
to make things happen. That would be a great tie-in for advertising
renewable energy tax breaks....

'do green to get green'

...<g>...yep, sad, now you know why I'm not in marketing...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187