Re: question about resonance

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 02:01:13 -0500

Hi Steve!

Consider; if you take two tuning forks tuned to the same frequency,
excite one of them, the other will come to the SAME AMPLITUDE and both
will decay EQUALLY until they have dissipated the energy.

Keely said if you put one tuning fork in a room with 1,000 like tuned
forks, then excite the one....ALL forks will come to the same amplitude
and if you could convert all that mechanical force into one collimated
vector, you would have 'an augmentation' of force...

When two or more forks are resonant, there is an odd path between them,
if one fork is excited an stimulating the other, then a pressure
differential is produced from high (excited) to low (unexcited)...when
the two resonant forks are equivalent in amplitude, a balance is
achieved and my understanding is that a 'standinng columnar wave',
meaning a series of bubbles touching at the zero crossing point but 180
degree phase shifted as sequential 'solitons' or standing wave
bubbles...the column just indicates that it is more than one bubble.

So, if one of two resonant bodies is excited so that an energy transfer
occurs, it is, IMHO possible to communicate or teleport over that energy
(or is it NON-energy??) column.

The discovery by Joe Parr of the energy bubble in pyramid structure and
which has been duplicated by Dan Davidson, indicates that it might be
possible to transfer physical mass from one of these tuned energy
bubbles to another.

That was our primary reason for going to Egypt, not for teleportation,
but to modulate the energy bubble of the great pyramid so that it would
cause like modulations, via the energy column (standing columnar wave)
to wherever it was tuned...the idea being to transmit PI. If someone or
something on that end became aware of someone modulating their bubble,
they would wonder who was playing with their equipment back on earth and
so might take steps to find out...<g>....unfortunately, after about 30
minutes from start, our equipment was spirited away from the Khufu
pyramid where it was setup. We were on one corner, the equipment was on
another...we never dreamed this would happen at 11:30PM in the desert.

We think it was a fellow from Chicago as no Arab would dare touch such
an odd device, relegating it to 'bomb' status...they would either call a
policeman or guard OR would attribute it to the gods of the
pyramids...remember they regard these structures as very religious and

The point here, there is something odd happening between resonant
structures. Some of us have experimented with the molecular frequency
demonstrator which takes advantage of this energy vector between
resonant structures, in this case, a frequency generator tuned to the
element you are looking for and the element itself....dowsing rods are
used to sense this invisible energy column. There is more and it is all
still under investigation to various degrees, trying to pull it all
together for practical uses...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187