acoustic levitation?

Bill Perry ( )
Mon, 13 Apr 1998 20:08:49 -1000

hi all
if one constructed a metal tube with an open top and made a metal piece
to fit inside it with a slightly smaller diameter, and put an acoustic
transducer in the bottom of it, and pinged the resonant frequency into
the tube at an adequate amplitude, would not the metal disc levitate
inside the tube on top of the building wave? And once the disc began to
rise, the resonance would change, which would require some sort of
circuit to constantly change the frequency to match the changing
resonance, right? This is merely an idea, which I have neither the
capital nor time to pursue, rather than put it on paper.

Also in regards to the new compressor with no moving parts, does anybody
have a link to that info, my browser crapped it out of my bookmark file.
