Re: Caduceus coil experiments

Robert Calloway ( (no email) )
Mon, 13 Apr 1998 17:44:39 -0500

Hello All, I'll try to answer all the questions. First Bill & Jerry, I have
several coils I have
built. Some 2" in diameter and mostly 1 1/2 in diameter. The one I tested
with the most
was 1 1/2 X 11" long. The wire was 20 guage stranded copper at a 120 turns.
Each turn crossed over at both sides of the coil. The "Smith" coil is as
you say at 45
degrees at the crossings. Mine was not this way, I laid the wire as close
together as I
could get it. Probably guessing 10 degrees at the most. I kept the
crossings on both
sides straight all the way down the lenght of the coil. The way I
experimented with
the coil was I shorted one end of the coil. Then on the other end, I hooked
up and
pulsed it with about 10 volts DC at about 600 pulses per minute. I tested
this coil with
a hollow core also. I used no iron core. I wanted to see what was happening
in the
center of the coil. The heat factor was small. I put a 1/8 x 1/2 x 1 inch
ceramic magnet
in the core and watch as it flip flopped from one end of the core to the
other. It would
walk from one end to the other as long as the voltage was on. I can
understand why
it would flip flop, But.. can someone explain why it would walk from one
end to to other.
It was a slow pace, not at the speed of the DC pulse. I also generated a
signal at
144.00 freq.and all it tried to do was turn. The magnet would not walk at
this freq.
I would like to wind a coil as to where the crosses would slowly wind
around the coil,
not keeping the crosses straight and see what happens. Plus.. Andreas
maybe building one on a cone. That might be interesting to try also. Robert.