Re: Caduceus Capacitor

Andreas Christian Nagele ( )
Mon, 13 Apr 1998 09:06:35 +0200

> The main problem with a caduceus wind is that the original was two snakes
> twisted around a pole in such a way that they did not cross over, this is
> called a bucking bifilar today, A caduceus as used today does not cancel all
> magnetic fields, they cancel either the longitudinal flux or circular flux
> around the coil but not both.

Do you talk about a "bucking bifilar" as an "anti-serial" bifilar coil?

I have had the following "idea" long ago:

Wind a Cone shaped caduceous/whatever coil like > and use an
electret as core-material. Don't know if this would result in anything.

About a Caduceus (new type as you said) coil:
I felt it might generate a field such as --o-- where - could be
the b-field, but i never did anything about calculating it with em-theorie.

So in effect one might be used as some sort of a directional magnetic antenna.

> John Berry
