Re: electrostatic motor

Gerald O'Docharty ( (no email) )
Sun, 12 Apr 1998 20:46:22 -0400

Norm, yes thats the book I mentioned in that message but now apparently
there is a new edition available. I posted this in my last message but I
guess you missed the link. Here it is again (thanks Bill Beaty).

Electrostatics: Exploring, Controlling, and Using Static
Electricity, 2nd ed. including the Dirod Manual
by A. D. Moore

The first edition of this book was fantastic. I used it while in college
and it really acted as a catalyst to shape my deeper understanding
later. The second edition is even better. lots of easy to do experiments
and full section on di-rods. click on the link to go straight to the web
page telling about it. I'm going to buy it. I think its the best
all-around book ever on electrostatics.

Norman Wootan wrote:
> Hi! Gerald: I have been printing out the old BBS message base and found my
> #3085 which answers your question regards an electrostatic generator acting
> as a motor. You then posted #3095 and showed a source book. Is this the
> book about the di-rod generator? Look on Jerry's WEB site under (new) and
> go to the message base #'s1-6000.