Re: Searl Rotation a Thermal Effect?

Hexslinger ( )
Sun, 12 Apr 1998 01:35:07 -0700 (PDT)

On Sun, 12 Apr 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> It's amazing what you can build from junk parts, I've seen the damndest
> things, but no free energy out of tupperware, duct tape, close hangers,
> and aluminum foil covered tubes and surfaces....saw this by a guy named
> Larry who duplicated the famous Townsend Brown flying disc that circled
> a pedestal using only electric propulsion....amazing and junk parts was
> all he used....very creative, showed it and talked about it at a
> conference and got written up as an article in Electric Spacecraft
> Journal...easy to talk, hard to build...geez, listen to me, the WORST OF
> THE BUNCH....gotta make a change in my habits....I'd hate to look back
> in another 5 years at 50 and find I'd still not done anything useful in
> the way of hardware. Seize the DAY, hell, Seize the MOMENT!!

Well... I was thinking about the mentioning of generating a 'ball
lightning' effect through one of those vortex guns. I remember a file on
one of the keelynet mirrors about the so-called 'wind cannon' that was
developed by the luftwaffe during WWII... I thought it might be
interesting to at least duplicate the effect on a small scale -- but when
it comes to the physics of vorticies (or is that vortexes?), I'm at a
loss. Just what is it about a cavity-size or a waveguide that produces the
vortex effect? If someone could just explain to me THAT, then I'd be happy
to chunk some change for the sake of science. :)