Terawatts ?

Marcelo Puhl ( (no email) )
Fri, 10 Apr 1998 00:37:16 -3

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 366 April 9, 1998 by Phillip F. Schewe and Ben Stein

IN SANDIA'S "Z" MACHINE millions of amps of current are
passed through a tiny spool of tungsten wires, producing a flood of
x rays. Essentially the most powerful terrestrial producer of x rays,
the Z device recently achieved the following milestones during a
test shot: temperatures of 1.8 million K, a power output of 290
terawatts, and an energy release of 2.0 megajoules. The researchers
believe nuclear fusion could be attained inside the device (by
bombarding a fuel pellet with x rays) if the conditions were pushed
further, to temperatures of 3.5 million K and power levels of 1000
terawatts. Sandia officials have encapsulated these ideas in a
proposal for a larger machine, to be called X-1. (Sandia press
release, April 9.)
