Swirling grass experiment

Bob Aldrich ( baldric@earthlink.net )
Wed, 08 Apr 1998 23:19:12 -0700

Sometime ago I read on KeelyNet (I believe) about an experiment where
you could put a record turntable under a flat of grass and leave it
running while the grass grows. The grass was supposed to grow in a

Intrigued, I got a foot square of grass from the local plant guys.. they
were so interested they gave me the grass-but warned me that someone was
probably pulling my leg. Another friend gave me a child's record player
of sixties vintage of which I stripped out the power supply, amplifier,
etc. and set it up to run at 78 rpm under the grass. I put it in a milk
crate and the grass on top. See pictures.

I took a digital picture of the grass at the first. I took it from the
side, not knowing what it would turn out to look like. I should have
taken it from the top, for now, a month later, a very odd thing has
happened. Instead of the grass growing in a swirl, the grass DIED in the
center. In fact, it died so well, the grass is ROTTING there.

Now, in the third image there may be somewhat of a swirl in the grass
but it is very hard to say for sure. The first image taken at the
beginning shows the grass tilting to the side, but that may be how it
came, and it is long enough for it to sit to the side very easily from
it's own weight. Although I did take that picture as an afterthought
several days after I set the whole thing up, and after a very good El
Nino rain or two.

Well, maybe you can't see it too clearly but there is a very definate
HOLE in the middle of the grass, and it very definately was NOT there
before I set it up! And it doesn't get HOT at all, in fact the grass's
dirt is about six inches from the record player turntable, and there is
no heat being generated there, and the air can easily circulate in there
of course.

Has anyone else done this experiment?

Bob Aldrich
Los Angeles

(Three pictures on request..)