Re: Synchronicities

Edward Kauffmann ( (no email) )
Wed, 8 Apr 1998 00:53:49 -0400

Hi Jerry et al,

I'd like to tell a further story about the synchronicities that led up to me
sending the message that you saw that started you on the path you mentioned
in a previous message. I'll try to keep it brief.

As you know, I share your thoughts about building a device that is self
contained that all devices could use for it's own power source. I have
called this PFEUL for Perpetual Free Energy Under Load. Now I changed it to
Prolonged since many people go crazy when you use the word perpetual.

Anyway, in my work I was stuck at a certain point and needed a push, but I
didn't know in what direction. At work I created a PowerPoint demo for
someone and they wanted me to include music from 2001, Chariots of Fire and
the Beatles. Well I had these dang songs going through my head and in the
car on the way home I was about to pop in a cassette with brain wave music
to get rid of those looping songs in my head. For some reason something
told me to not put the tape in and try to play a game with the three songs.

I would try to use association with the looping songs and see if they would
lead me somewhere, since it seemed that something was keeping me from
purging them from my head. To make a long story even longer, Chariots of
Fire led me to a recording I made of the song on a tape with other show
tunes, which made me remember a different show, which made me remember a
person from high school, which made me remember that I worked with her
cousin years later and he worked on a machine that used magnetic induction.

The whole process only took a few minutes and I had nothing better to do in
the car. So I had made myself think of magnetic induction when I wasn't
thinking of it for the problem I had and it gave me a different perspective
on my problem. The whole process didn't seem labored, it seems to come
naturally after I had the feeling to keep thinking of the songs.

Then I asked this group for the info about the coil in a capacitor.
Ironically, Jerry game me a differnt link then I was thinking of (still a
good one) but Bill gave me the name I was thinking of but forgot.
Hendershot. I did a search and found an old email using AltaVista. When I
posted a quote from Jerry, I almost didn't give the link which Jerry took a
look at. Then I thought other people might want to look at the message in
more detail so I put it anyway.

That led us to Jerry's sequence. This all probably sounds pretty stupid,
but it's amazing how supposed random events end up somehow being related.
Would you believe, chaos?


Jerry wrote:

Ok, here is the sequence;

1) Ed Kauffman mentioned the old KeelyNet BBS messages that are
posted at
2) I saw the address and had forgotten about hose emails, so decided
to check them out for hoots
3) noticed the comment from Gerald O'Docharty about the Neodymium
curie point being nearly 1000 degrees F as opposed to ferrites
which I think are around 200 degrees
4) lifted that to post on the list as it was an interesting comment
5) the next day, this post from the fellow about the pyromagnetic
venturi generator and subsequent posts that are revealing some
'new' ideas (at least to me) for power generation
6) tonite I get an email from Gerald, out of the blue, haven't heard
from him in about 4 years or so..he said;
"Hi Jerry! Well I guess my ears must have been burning. I decided
to browse the website for some strange reason and saw a message
you posted on the discussion list mentioning something I posted
years ago about Curie point...."
7) at work, I got two consecutive calls from differnt parts of
the country from one guy named Dru, followed by another named Drew
8) at work, I got a call from a lady with a phone number like
***-666****, precisely 3 calls later, I got another call from
another lady in another part of the country with the phone number
of ???-666-????


>Hi Folks!
>Why are recognition of synchronicities important? Check out;
> and
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187