Re: and been that way for over...

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 07 Apr 1998 20:58:24 -0500

Hi John!

You wrote;
> Free Energy is about 5 months away by most peoples estimates,
> And it's been that way for over 700 years!

Yep, it's time we demand proofs, thus the PoP....if they can't do a
tabletop demo, instead wonderweaving stories of MegaWatt generators WITH
THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF FUNDING, then they need to go away...whoever makes
the claim.

I think the conferences should be a lot more intensive on hardware and
PoPs...despite the many wonderful presentations I've gone to, they
rarely have a model (never working of course)....and workshops have
become a joke....

My idea of a real workshop is to see a working machine, where the
inventor shows how it works, explains the principle and answers tech
questions....allowing people to do tests and make measurements and
interactive discussions....

When we do our conference in Dallas (been wanting to for SO LONG), I
plan to have workshops where each participant receives a PoP kit, builds
it IN THE WORKSHOP, tests it to show it works (repairing it if
necessary) and gets to TAKE IT HOME. But that's a future plan, I expect
such a conference to cost around $15,000 or so. A lot of variables in
these things but I think it would be a LANDMARK re-gauging, re-indexing
of what a TECH conference SHOULD BE...<g>....

The pyromagnetic generator based on the Faraday Dynamo is most

Also, I saw a post the other day that Minato's demonstration in Japan in
February was not true overunity. CNN and other media covered it and
failed to report to the public on Minato (to my knowledge).

We just need to get our collective acts TOGETHER to force these things
to happen....I have all kinds of notes on different approaches, some of
these resulted in the shareware and PoP approaches that are posted.

To my knowledge, no one has used either of them publicly, primarily I
think because they either DON'T have anything and use of such a document
would REQUIRE that their device work, because it would have to have
sufficient detail that others could build and prove it,

OR, they don't think they'll get sufficient recognition or payback from
the shareware idea that people would be appreciative enough to send
donations of money

OR, the inventor who has the real working device is paranoid (afraid of
being ripped off), greedy (expecting to make big bucks) or has a severe
ego problem, wanting to keep full control and die with the 'secret'.

Shareware is the great discriminator between truth and fiction.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187