Re : Harmonic Translation

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( )
Sun, 5 Apr 1998 11:58:19 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi all !

A member of asked New Science company for their prices
and got a detailed answer from Jon Monroe. In summary, there are 2 systems.
System A, the "full professional" one, costs 2250 $. System C is cheaper, at
900 $. Main difference seems to be the small system has only preset colour &
sound treatments, whereas the big one can design and memorize new treatment
frequencies after each individual testing sessions. Mail me off list if you
want the forwarded complete reply (with list of components, etc).

Eventually I downloaded the sample sounds from

The "anti-stress/mild euphoria" and "vitality boost" sounds do seem to work
as described ! Though it's difficult to be sure, as placebo effect might be
involved. But I definitely felt something nice.

This morning, as I have a big bad cold or flu (very untimely, as I am also
in full working urgency for my latest TV doc) I downloaded the third one,
"Immune system boost", and will be playing it a lot today. As I want to put
all chances on my side, I will also zap myself with my TinyScan (Belgium
made low power pulsed magnetism, frequency tunable), listen to some
Sternheimer's melodies, take homeopathic remedies... and colloidal silver
too... and royal jelly... and some ginseng .. Makes it sort of tricky to
decide what'll really be working in this cocktail, but what the hell, I just
want to get well !

Jean-Pierre Lentin