Russian Geiger Counter for $65.00

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 04 Apr 1998 23:16:24 -0600

Hi Mark and Folks!

Here is the description from the Borderlands article by Gerry Vassilatos
(3rd quarter 1997) about the Russian Geiger Counter for $65....

Borderlan Sciences - PO BOX 220 - Bayside, CA - 95524
$25.00 yearly subscription - Voice: (707) 825-7733 - FAX: (707) 825-7779

Note: the article it came from was
'Induced Radioactivity by Solar Light'

Very accurate measurements can be obtained with a handheld Russian-made
Geiger Counter, the BELBAR RKSB (MIKON-104).

This counter was purchased from David Shannon Minerals (1-602-985-0557)
at a more reasonable price ($61.00 with shipping). Most equivalent
American models are exhorbitant in price and far less accurate.

The unit is small (6 X 3 X 1 inches) and lightweight, making for an easy
means by which numerous field readings may be made in a short time
period. The reliable performance of this convenient and remarkably
inexpensive unit provides well-calibrated readings in either alpha, beta
or gamma radiations. As described in the translated instruction
brochure, a few simple modifications of DIP switches on the back panel
permit threshold sensitization to specific rays.

The removal of its molded plastic back panel exposes the Geiger Tubes to
any radiation source and, once set to do so, counts individual events.
Radiation counts from two internal 3 inch Geiger tubes are amplified by
solid state electronics and displayed on a large black and gray LCD.

Automatic interpolations can be obtained by appropriate switch
assignments, and an interpolated hourly exposure in MicroRoentgens is
then displayed.

The MIKON-104 mad measurements more convenient than my RADIAC equipment,
a bulky military unit. Originally manufactured for use in the Soviet
nuclear industry, the MIKON unit is provided with an extensively
documented passport (1992 validation). This documentation was stamped
and signed by Soviet technical officials before release from the
manufacturer, an admirable quality-control feature.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187