Re : Cymatics videos

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( )
Thu, 2 Apr 1998 12:08:54 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi Ray, Chris & all

Ray Tomes wrote
> It is amazing to see. What I wonder about is what has happened to this work?

Chris Gupta wrote :
> What videos and book are you referring too?
> Could you pls provide some more info thx

3 years ago, while doing a TV film on cymatics and "mandala" type patterns
in art, religion, science and nature, I spoke on the phone with Hans Jenny's
widow, Maria Jenny. (A bit awkwardly, as my college learned German is very
rusty...). I wanted to know if I could visit her in Dornach, Switzerland, to
see some original Jenny film footage. She told me that the films were now
kept by German TV channel ZDF, who produced two fine programs about Jenny's
work, directed by Reinhardt Eichelbeck. ZDF sent me the 2 programs and I
used excerpts in my film.

Now, I know that some Jenny/cymatics videos are commercially available. I
don't know if they are the same ZDF programs or not. Like Chris, I would
appreciate any reference and contact for these videos.
Jean-Pierre Lentin