Re: MRA/No self running devices?

Norman Wootan ( )
Wed, 01 Apr 1998 19:36:04 -0600

Hi! Jerry: I read the PACE Journal so here is the straight "poop" on the
Brandson Roy Thornson drive developed by Fortune Ventures Inc. The
power/force ratio efficiency is 0.32 newton/watt or 60 pounds of
unidirectional thrust per HP energy in. The XIPE/1.5/200 operates at 200
RPM with a 12 volt battery and produces a thrust force of 31 pounds imposed
10 times/sec. This is equivalent to a 6.2 HP engine for bicycles, a 7.75
HP one used to propel small watercraft and is equal to a 10 HP jet engine
for ultralights and small aircraft. The XIPE/1.5/500 operates at 500 RPM
on a 24 volt battery to produce a thrust force of 156 pounds, 25 times/sec.
This is sufficient to propel a motocycle equal to 31 HP, watercraft with a
39 HP engine and aircraft with a 52 HP jet engine. For details: K.B.
Eisner, 1785 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 0E6. (204) 982-4660; Fax:
(204) 982-4665 The gov. of Manitoba is reporting the technology at:\itt\db\indx.html. The software download was at the
head of your archive search main page and was there only a few hours. Could
someone have put it there by mistake then taken it off before you had a
chance to see it??? Real strange that you did not put it there and now it
is gone. Well stranger things have happened on the net. Oh! BTW did you
see the excellent articles in ESJ on the Fusor projects by Richard Hull and
also the article by Miley at the Universtiy of Illinois. I think it is
interesting that the UI group are doing real fusion with the correct by
products and all. I think the hydrogen fusion rocket motor is kick-ass
since it will produce 3X the thrust of anything tried so far. See Ya!

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Norm!
> I don't remember anything about a double your speed software download?
> Decided to just run emails and such on Netscape and IE for webhunting
> since graphics seem to run much faster using IE.
> Have you noticed all the posts and info recently about unidirectional
> drives, ranging from Cowlishaw to Lorrey?? Yet few seem to be even
> aware of Dean, Cook or Thornsen...time to post some new files as some of
> these guys think they are the first, even though I've spoken with both
> Cowlishaw and Michael Lorrey and let them know the phenoemenon is at
> least 50 years old....the good thing is they are at least keeping it
> alive, I'd just like to see them give credit to their predecessors and
> the others who are CURRENT but not net savvy (Cook & Thornsen)....IMHO,
> Thornsen with his canoe moving across the water with NOTHING in the
> water to drive it was an amazingly good proof.
> --
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187