Re: MRA/No self running devices?

Alan Schneider ( )
Wed, 01 Apr 1998 23:20:33 GMT

On Tue, 31 Mar 1998 00:53:01 -0600, "Jerry W. Decker" <>

>Hi Folks!

>That does it, I'm going back to Netscape for my emails....IE4...noted...3
>duplicate messages sent to 92 people...screw that....

I thought you were stuttering <Grin>

IE4? Good luck. In typical Micro$lothian fashion it takes over and actually
replaces a significant portion of the operating system, or so I've heard.

Consider a dedicated e-mail or e-mail+news package. I've never been happy
with nutscrape's mail and news facilities (I mean, it's a great browser,
but...), and was totally underwhelmed by ie's a couple of weeks ago when
I installed it for a friend.

Personally I use Forte Inc's Agent for both EMail and News and I swear by
it, not at it.
