Re: MRA/No self running devices?

Mathias ( )
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 18:09:55 -0700

Paul Brown wrote:

> This guy really gets to me. After all these years he continues to rip people
> off! I try very hard not to say bad things about inventors whom are trying
> their best. Many inventors make mistakes because of their lack of technical
> knowedge; this I overlook because it is not their fault. Their heart is in
> the right place. But Mueller; this guy sent us (Sacramento, CA) his Ecklin
> frame machine back in 1982 wanting to know why it was not overtunity. > It was....

Thank you for relating your experiences with Bill Muller. I had planned
to pay a visit to Mr Mueller in about 6 weeks with a few requests (such
as to see the device self-run) since FE is claimed. Now I wander if I
should bother. Sobbering effects you have.

Anyways, will update the Mueller file if necessary.
