Re: Cycles modulations

Ray Tomes ( )
Mon, 30 Mar 1998 01:00:26 GMT

I am getting confused by posts to multi-lists but trying top catch up :)
This was my reply to a reply top Jerry's post in KeelyNet-L.

On Sat, 28 Mar 1998 20:36:48 +0100, Roger Natanaelsson
<> wrote:

>Jerry W. Decker wrote:
>> There was an interesting presentation put on by a Russian scientist a
>> few years ago in Russia. He claimed all masses emitted waves, like
>> ripples in a pond and that when these waves collide, they interferred
>> with each other to create dimples or depressed areas....he claims this
>> is the source of gravity...

>VERY intresting and new, but what kind of waves ? Electromagnetic ?
>Any name of Russian scientist? Other references ?

I don't know of the material to which you refer. However a number of
people, me included, believe that all particles are spherical standing
waves of e/m. For any particle the wavelength of the waves is the
Compton wavelength of the particle given by h/mc. IMO the inward and
outward waves have a very slight energy difference (all particles'
masses are growing at the Hubble rate or increasing by 1 part in 10^10
per year) which explains both the Hubble redshift relationship and

See Milo Wolff's science corner at
for a description of the electron as a spherical standing wave with a
spherical rotation between the inward and outward wave. He has deduced
all the known properties of the electron from this model.

I have also now loaded some pictures of spherical rotation to
because any word based communication of this phenomenon is really not up
to the task.

-- Ray Tomes --
Cycles email list --
Boundaries of Science