Re: Water Engine - Cornish
Sun, 29 Mar 1998 12:18:53 -0500

Thx for your response John. A close look at your diagram raised some
questions. These are:

1) the capacitor that you show should be across the points and not across
the high voltage side. Not sure what you had in mind for the high voltage
side application? In the picture the point assembly is not shown or is it
at the end of the drum drive or not on the assembly?

2) Not sure how one would prevent the Hydrogen and water from leaking form
the slot for the aluminum wire - assume its moving along with a worm gear
of some sort across the with of the water tank width and back? A
significant modification would be needed to overcome this shortcoming. A
friend, interested in building has come up with a work around though. We
were wondering what other oversights there might be.

Unless we have misunderstood the above - would be happy to send you the
modifications. But until one is made I think we will run into a few snags
not unexpected though. Meanwhile, if you do find someone who has build or
is attempting to build this pls put us in touch.


Chris Gupta

At 12:05 AM 3/28/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Dear Chris,
>I am sorry but the whereabouts of the inventor, the only person I know
>of who has built a prototype, is not known at this time. In fact he
>hasn't been heard from since 1988. I believe he made two prototypes and
>I think there have been others built by other people, including BMW in
>1981, but as for contact details I have none. When I return to England
>in September I want to set about building a prototype myself and I
>believe all the information necessary is included in the patent text on
>the site. The diagram is the only part of the patent which was missing:
>the diagram on the site is one I made, based on the text.
>Keep your eye on the new site:
>where I will be posting results of my prototype, hopefully by October
>this year.
>Best Regards and keep in touch,
>... anon99
>>I am very interested in building the Cornish Hydrogen device. And was
>>wondering if you could put me in contact with someone who had build
>>From the patent and denials shown at the following site:
>>It appears that the pictures are of 2 different prototypes and there
>>parts of the patent missing. Would love to dialog with some one who is
>>either building or has build one of these devices. Any help would be
>>Many Thx
>>Chris Gupta
>>Chris Gupta
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Chris Gupta